Sunday, April 18, 2021

How demons MESS with our MIND


1 Peter 5:8

King James Version

8 Be sober, 

be vigilant; 

because your adversary the devil, 

as a roaring lion, 

walketh about, 

seeking whom he may devour:

It's like a cancer cell that eats up our system.

Quiet, stealthy, traitorous.

That's how demons mess with us.

How they love to trip, ESPECIALLY the elect.

Matthew 24:24

King James Version

24 For there shall arise false Christs, 

and false prophets, 

and shall shew great signs and wonders; 

insomuch that, 

if it were possible, 

they shall deceive the very elect.

The moment you are Christ's -- a born again -- prepare for battle.

Even as demons are afraid of Christ, they will still want to ambush you.

They look for such openings, when your guard's down.

Here's how they mess with ANY one's mind.

No one is immune to these attacks.

Demons plant seeds of doubt, fear, hatred, and anxiety in you.

All lies, such as:

She's prettier than you are.

You'll amount to nothing.

You're not smart enough.

Why would God make time for you?

No one loves you.

You're pretty worthless, aren't you?

If God was really so great, why can't He save His OWN Son?

Take just a little bit.

One drink won't hurt you.

No one will notice.

The rich always get away with it.

The poor will always be oppressed.

There's no hope.

The Bible's too complicated.

What makes you think you'll understand Scripture?

If God really loved you, He won't make your life so difficult.

There's an easier way, mind you.

You ask too many questions.

Israel is the enemy.

Those are just a few that come to mind, as they mess with our minds.

As a child of God, we are viewed through their corrupt microscopes, checking for "holes" in our spiritual system.

If we do not put on the FULL ARMOR of GOD, they will find such openings, and have a feast day playing with us, mocking God, and destroying our souls.

Demons inject jealousy. 

They create fear.

They plant doubt.

They cause confusion.

They cause addiction.

They create lust.

They propagate greed.

They foster division.

They harbor strife.

They make you self-absorbed.

Pride is their main food.

Such is their strategy.

It's like a cancer cell that grows exponentially.

ESPECIALLY if you've got ego, greed, or hatred in your heart.

You will be affected, and infected, by their strategies.

They can only grow, what's already there.

They can only feed upon what you've allowed.

They know that much about you.

They study us, night and day.

It' really difficult being in the flesh.

We are subject to great challenges, and temptations.

Romans 8:7

King James Version

7 Because the carnal mind 

is enmity against God

for it is not subject to the law of God, 

neither indeed can be.

That's why our only hope is in JESUS.

Keep your heart is right with Christ.

Be the faithful believer, a born again.

LIVE by Scripture.

Remain obedient toward the Father.

That way, the world has no hold over you.

You are not hooked by satan's devices in the world.

If you're a true born again, caring only to listen, obey, and follow Christ, you will be a challenge to the enemy.

As a believer in Jesus, you must face sin squarely.

If you do not know what sin is, how you are being corrupted, or how you are digging your own ditch, you cannot win.

If you declare you have not one iota of sin, they'll have a field day with that.

How the enemy loves proud people!

Sin is a disease of the soul.

Face the disease, and be victorious in CHRIST!

Let the Holy Spirit of God teach you the ways of Christ.

JESUS is our ONLY hope in defeating demons.

For these creatures are mighty afraid of Him.

James 2:19

King James Version

19 Thou believest that there is one God; 

thou doest well: 

the devils also believe, 

and tremble.

Related material:

JESUS and Satan

ALL battles are SPIRITUAL battles

GUARDING against sin

The devil's DEVICES

FLEE from sin

On sin



SPIRITUAL warfare links

The BATTLE for the SOUL





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